Shipment Schedule

Shipment Schedule

Certificate Delivery Schedule

Great News! We implemented an improved shipping and handling process for our paper certificates. PICSTS Certified professionals within the Pakistan. Can now expect to receive their paper certificates within 2 to 4 weeks. For international delivery, please allow 4 to 6 weeks.

Look for the date you took the test in the Test Date column; the corresponding column shows the time frame when your certificate will be mailed to you.

Test & Purchased Date

Certificate Delivery Date

Certificate Delivery Date

Jan. 1 - Jan. 14

Jan. 22 - Feb. 25

Feb. 5 - Mar. 18

Jan. 15 - Jan. 31

Feb 5. - Mar. 14

Feb. 19 - Mar. 4

Feb. 1 - Feb. 14

Feb. 22 - Mar. 28

Mar. 8 - Apr. 18

Feb. 15 - Feb. 28

Mar. 8 - Apr. 11

Mar. 22 - May 2

Mar. 1 - Mar. 14

Mar. 22 - Apr. 25

Apr. 5 - May 16

Mar. 15 - Mar. 31

Apr. 5 - May 12

Apr. 19 - Jun. 2

Apr. 1 - Apr. 14

Apr. 22 - May 26

May 6 - Jun. 16

Apr. 15 - Apr. 30

May 6 - Jun. 11

May 20 - Jul. 2

May 1 - May 14

May 22 - Jun. 25

Jun. 5 - Jul. 16

May 15 - May 31

Jun. 5 - Jul. 12

Jun. 19 - Aug. 2

Jun. 1 - Jun. 14

Jun. 22 - Jul. 26

Jul. 6 - Aug. 16

Jun. 15 - Jun. 30

Jul. 6 - Aug. 11

Jul. 20 - Sep. 1

Jul. 1 - Jul. 14

Jul. 22 - Aug. 25

Aug. 5 - Sep. 15

Jul. 15 - Jul. 31

Aug. 5 - Sep. 11

Aug. 19 - Oct. 2

Aug. 1 - Aug. 14

Aug. 22 - Sep. 25

Sep. 5 - Oct. 16

Aug. 15 - Aug. 31

Sep. 5 -Oct. 12

Sep. 19 - Nov. 2

Sep. 1 - Sep. 14

Sep. 22 - Oct. 26

Oct. 6 - Nov. 16

Sep. 15 - Sep. 30

Oct. 6 - Nov. 11

Oct. 20 - Dec. 2

Oct. 1 - Oct. 14

Oct. 22 - Nov. 25

Nov. 5 - Dec. 16

Oct. 15 - Oct. 31

Nov. 5 - Dec. 12

Nov. 19 - Jan. 2

Nov. 1 - Nov. 14

Nov. 22 - Dec. 26

Dec. 6 - Jan. 16

Nov. 15 - Nov. 30

Dec. 6 - Jan. 11

Dec. 20 - Feb. 1

Dec. 1 - Dec. 14

Dec. 22 - Jan. 25

Jan. 5 - Feb. 15

Dec. 15 - Dec. 31

Jan. 5 - Feb. 11

Jan. 19 - Mar. 4



*Purchase Date if not ordered at the time the certification test was completed.


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